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Ripples of Love & Faith: A Mother's Journey

Ripples of Love & Faith: A Mother's Journey

...My heart goes out to her, for I can only speculate the emotions of a mother in the wild, as she embarks on the journey of surrendering her offspring to nature’s grand design. Does it hurt her heart as they pull away?

In the quiet peace of the early morning, I enjoy my coffee in the serenity of my office, gazing across the glimmering lake that paints an enchanting backdrop of our home. I feel blessed every time I inhale the view beyond the window at my desk. My eyes fall upon a sweet scene unfolding on the canvas of nature – a stately turtle, presumably a mother, buoyed by the gentle waves, with two pint-sized replicas at her side. It softens my heart as I watch them, witnessing the unspoken bond of maternal love that transcends species.

As if tethered by invisible threads of affection, the little ones linger close to their momma, appearing as if they are giving her kisses. Over time, they find the courage to venture further from her, bobbing and weaving through the water, their tiny bodies skimming the surface. My heart goes out to her, for I can only speculate the emotions of a mother in the wild, as she embarks on the journey of surrendering her offspring to nature’s grand design. Does it hurt her heart as they pull away?

Mesmerized by the shimmering water, I reflect on our own existence as human parents and caregivers. We, too, hold fast to our children, clutching the symbolic rope that signifies our protective instincts. It isn’t easy to let go, with a desire to always protect our children. As humans of faith, we do our best to let go knowing that our work is done, and that God has them in His hands for the remainder for their journey. We are no longer in their immediate proximity, guiding every step, but instead pray for them daily and stand always at the ready to give them love and guidance when it’s needed. The task of loosening our grip, allowing them to explore the vast world, is a daunting one, fraught with a sea of emotions. Yet, in our profound faith, we find the strength to let go, trusting that we have laid a sturdy foundation for them and that God, in His infinite wisdom, will guide them along their destined paths.

Although we no longer hover over their every move, our role as parents does not end. Rather, it evolves. With fervent prayers whispered in the quiet corners of each day, we continue to envelop them in our love and stand ready to offer counsel and comfort whenever called. Our faith, love, and hope echo in the silent ripples of their journeys, reminding us that no matter how far they venture, our bonds remain unbroken.

As I anticipate the impending journey of my sweet niece Caelan as she graduates from high school and prepares to leave for college, I have to remind myself again that there is a Divine Caretaker greater than all of us, that her parents have prepared her well, and that she will be okay, even as I remind her that my light will always be on for her, ready to catch her any time she needs a safe place to fall.